2024’s Most Expensive Cities for Watering the Lawn

Sav Maive spoke with Dr. Troy Peters about the irrigating lawns, take a look at the article published by lawnlove.com.

By Sav Maive from lawnlove.com

Where in America is lawn irrigation the biggest drain on consumers’ wallets?

To mark World Water Day on March 22, Lawn Love ranked 2024’s Most Expensive Cities for Watering the Lawn.

We compared nearly 500 of the biggest U.S. cities based on 3 categories. We looked at the affordability of local water bills and average yard sizes. We also considered factors that would increase the cost of irrigation, such as drought susceptibility and watering requirements for common grass types, among 9 total metrics. 

Click this link to see the entire article featuring information on irrigating lawns from Dr. Troy Peters.