Faculty and Researchers

Department of Biological Systems Engineering

Dr. Karkee with a drone.

Professor, Biological Systems Engineering; CPAAS Director| At WSU since 2010 | PhD from Iowa State University

What I Do

I focus on research and development of machine vision, artificial intelligence and robotics solutions for future of farming that would reduce the input including farm labor while increasing crop yield and quality. In addition, my research effort focuses on autonomous decision making and field operations of machines (with remote operation and supervision as needed) to not only reduce the labor use but also improve worker health and safety. In my educational program, I focus on training next generation engineers and scientists with the knowledge and expertise on intelligent systems and technologies as well as agricultural systems for the future of farming. Finally, my program also involves extension and outreach programs and activities to educate growers and other stakeholders about new farming technologies and to understand the research and development needs of the farming industry.

What it Means for the State

Over the past 13 years, my research program has demonstrated various automation and robotic technologies and their practical feasibility, which has led to public private partnership in further developing and potentially commercializing those technologies. For example, I have been collaborating with FFRobotics (an Israeli company) to develop a full-scale apple harvesting robotic. This machine is now being evaluated in Washington orchards, which is expected to lead to a commercialized product in recent future. Similarly, I am working with Vine Tech Equipment (Prosser, WA) in commercializing an automated green shoot thinning machine for vineyards.  There are many other technologies I am researching currently with potential for making positive impact to Washington farming industry including robotic pollination, pruning and thinning, robotic weeding, precision nutrient application, and cell-phone based applications for crop load estimation and spatial variability mapping in crop fields.

What it Means for the World

Our center, Center for Precision and Automated Agricultural Systems (CPAAS), is a relatively new center, but has been recognized as one of the top 20 research programs on precision agriculture around the world. We are developing solutions that are making positive impact to Washington ag industry as well as the similar industries around the world. We are focusing on developing technologies for future of farming (Ag4.0) to solve some of the greatest challenges the world is facing today including production of sufficient food, feed, fiber and fuel to support increasing global population under the pressure of changing global climate.

Our Team

Dr. Karkee currently has two postdoctoral researchers working with him, Dr. Safal Kshetri and Dr. Salik Khanal.

Staff that work with Dr. Karkee

There are currently seven graduate students working with Dr. Karkee. They are: Dawood Ahmed, Atif Asad, Martin Churuvija, Achyut Paudel, Syed Usama Bin Sabir, Ranjan Sapkota, and Priyanka Upadhyaya. All seven students are pursuing Ph.D. degrees.

Dr. Karkee's students in CPAAS working with 3D modeling planar-canopy trees for his pruning automation project.
One of Dr. Karkee’s students in CPAAS working with 3D modeling planar-canopy trees for his pruning automation project.
A short YouTube video showing an apple harvesting robot in action.

Dr. Khot and student examine Crop Physiology Sensing System

Associate Professor, Biological Systems Engineering; AWN Director | At WSU since 2013 | PhD from North Dakota State University

What I Do

My research and extension program at WSU CPAAS focuses on “Sensing and automation technologies for site specific and precision management of production agriculture.” Program scope addresses stakeholder precision agriculture technological needs via complimenting the on-going efforts within WSU CAHNRS. In the past 6 years, I have focused my efforts towards development, evaluation and promotion of:

  • Ground and aerial sensing technologies for biotic and abiotic crop stressors monitoring;
  • Data enabled smart decision support tools/technologies for crop production and loss management;
  • Site- and canopy-specific chemical and crop input application technologies.

What it Means for the State

The state of Washington is the U.S. leader in the production of several perennial specialty crops. However, stakeholders continue to face enormous challenges to deliver high quality produce due to crop losses caused by biotic and abiotic stressors. My program specifically aims to research, development, promotion, and commercialization of pertinent technologies to precisely measure the crop variability and manage the orchard/field production. It thrives to meet the stakeholder needs and promotes the environmental stewardship.

What it Means for the World

Agricultural technologies to measure and manage the crop production are evolving rapidly. My program at WSU CPAAS is at forefront of researching and education of these technologies. As we transition in to the big-data driven ‘decision (or digital) agriculture’, we are making steady progress in the R&D of novel crop sensing, cyber physical infrastructure driven decision support tools and futuristic chemical application technologies that are suitable for the implementation of the ‘farms (orchards)-of-the-future’. Persistent efforts are also made to educate/train the skilled workforce needed to realize/advance this notion in the state of Washington, within U.S., and globally.

Our Team

There are currently four graduate students working with Dr. Khot. They are: Dattatray Bhalekar, Gajanan Kothawade, Karisma Yumnam, and Srikanth Gorthi. All four students are pursuing Ph.D. degrees.

Staff that work with Dr. Khot

Sean E. Hill, Application Systems; Rebecca Boose, Fiscal Technician 1; Derek Weaver, Field Meteorologist; Nathan Santo Domingo, Field Meteorologist; Bethany Safe, Field Meteorologist; Jonathan Contezac, Field Meteorologist

A short YouTube video showing a Solid Set Canopy Delivery System.

View Page

Troy Peters

Professor, Biological Systems Engineering; Extension Irrigation Specialist | At WSU since 2006 | PhD from Utah State University

What I Do

Irrigation-related extension and research.  I especially focus on irrigation management, design, and efficiency-related research.  This includes deficit irrigation, irrigation water hydraulics, irrigation scheduling and management, irrigation automation, sprinkler irrigation efficiency, low energy precision application (LEPA), low elevation spray application (LESA), crop water use estimation, the development of simple and usable irrigation management tools, and remote sensing of evapotranspiration.

What it Means for the State

In the arid west where water is scarce and limited, irrigation consumes 80-90% of the fresh water resources! Better irrigation efficiency and management can save huge amounts of water, conserve pumping energy, and farmers get better yields!  The environment also benefits!  Good irrigation management and using efficient methods can reduce runoff and deep percolation of water and therefore less off-field movement of sediments, fertilizers, and pesticides.  In addition, there is more water available for fish and wildlife habitat restoration, recreation, and municipal and industrial uses.  In short learning to use water in agriculture more efficiently can have a large and positive impact for everybody.

What it Means for the World

Global conflicts often start because of shortages.  Food, clean water, and energy are limited and can precipitate conflict.  Good irrigation water management increases crop yields, strengthens rural economies, makes more food available for everyone, while simultaneously conserving large amounts of water and energy for alternative uses.  It can simultaneously also preserve and can even enhance the environment.  In short, everybody wins!  The research that we are doing here at IAREC have found simple ways to save large amounts of water and energy.

Our Team

There are currently two graduate students working with Dr. Peters. They are: Elda Bezuayene and Shafik Kiraga. Elda is pursuing a Master’s degree and Shafik is pursuing a Ph.D.

A YouTube video talking about irrigation sensors.

Department of Crop & Soil Sciences

Kayla Altendorf

Research Geneticist; Adjunct Faculty, Crop & Soil Sciences | With USDA-ARS since 2020 | PhD from University of Minnesota


What I Do

Develop new publicly available hop cultivars with disease resistance and unique aroma and brewing characteristics. Identify novel sources of disease and pest resistance or tolerance. Build resources for genomics-assisted breeding and implement and evaluate new hop breeding methodology.

What it Means for the State

Over 70% of hops grown in the US are produced in Washington State. The USDA-ARS breeding program located here in Prosser is uniquely situated to develop and test new hop varieties in the primary U.S. production region. This allows us to identify and advance lines that are locally adapted and resistant or tolerant to the diseases and pests important to this environment.

What it Means for the World

The craft brewing industry has seen unprecedented expansion worldwide, with the U.S. being the leading producer of hops globally. Public hop breeding benefits a variety of stakeholder groups in the hop and brewing industries. The availability of cultivars with no intellectual property protection ensures that growers have access to quality hops that are disease resistant so they can maintain sustainable and profitable production to meet the demands of brewers. Germplasm with novel characteristics, such as disease or pest resistance, can complement private sector breeding efforts via release of parental breeding germplasm. Developing resources for implementing genomics-assisted breeding can improve the efficiency and precision of selection across both sectors, and advances in breeding perennial, dioecious crops are also applicable to other species.

Our Team

Staff that work with Dr. Altendorf:
Anna Tawril, Biological Science Technician; Rain Freeman, Biological Science Technician

A short video on supporting public hops.

Brian Irish

Geneticist/Curator; Adjunct Faculty, Crop & Soil Sciences |With USDA-ARS since 2004; at Prosser since 2016 | PhD from University of Arkansas


What I Do

As a Geneticist/Curator with the USDA-ARS Plant Germplasm Introduction and Testing Research Unit, I lead a mostly service-oriented project that is part of the U.S. National Plant Germplasm System. Our Prosser-based project is responsible for all aspects of managing a seed collection of close to 13,000 temperate-adapted forage legume germplasm lines (accessions). This genetically diverse agriculturally important plant resource collection includes many alfalfa, clover, trefoil and wild relative accessions that are mostly used as animal forage crops. Some of my time is also dedicated to a long-term interagency (BLM/ARS) collaboration on the conservation and management of a large collection of U.S. native plant accessions important to landscape restoration and agriculture. Research efforts focus on improving efficiencies in long-term management of the collections and in discovering and/or making available important agricultural traits.

What it Means for the State

The state of Washington is one of the leading alfalfa forage producers in the nation.  Alfalfa produced in the state is destined for local dairy farms, but also for the high-end export markets in Asia and the Middle-East. The germplasm project conserves and makes available genetic diversity in collections to research scientists, including plant breeders, that mine the collections for important traits for development and/or incorporation into modern improved cultivars. The State’s forage, dairy and native seed industries benefit by having access to novel and improved cultivars. These enhanced cultivars might provide traits, identified in germplasm accessions, like insect and disease resistance, drought, salinity and heat tolerance or even improvements in yield and quality. As an example, the glandular-haired trait that confers potato leaf hopper resistance in alfalfa, originated from a few lines conserved in the collections.

What it Means for the World

Access to the agricultural genetic diversity in collections managed by the National Plant Germplasm System, including the temperate-adapted forage legume germplasm in Prosser, will undoubtedly play an important role in agricultural sustainability into the future. As global populations continue to grow, agricultural production systems will need to constantly adapt to produce enough nutritious food. One way of doing this is by incorporating valuable traits found in genetically diverse germplasm collections into modern-day enhanced cultivars. If these collections are not conserved long-term and readily accessible, the global agriculture research community will not have one of the most important tools at its disposal.

Our Team

Staff that work with Dr. Irish: Estela Cervantes.

Rui Liu

Assistant Professor, Crop & Soil Sciences| At WSU since 2022 | PhD from Texas A&M University

What I Do

My program is focused on developing integrated weed management strategies for vegetable and specialty crops in the irrigated Columbia Basin region of Washington State. I also conduct research to understand the basic biology and ecology of problematic and herbicide-resistant weed species in the region.

What it Means for the State

Weeds pose serious challenge to crop production by competing for resources such as water, sunlight, and nutrients, etc. Washington State is one of the leading states for vegetable & specialty crop production in the United States. Effective weed management strategies are important for reducing crop yield loss and quality decrease due to weed infestation.

What it Means for the World

Many of the vegetables and specialty crops produced in Washington State are exported to countries worldwide. Weed management is important to the global market, as weeds compete with crops, and reduce crop yield as well as decrease production quality.

Herbicide-resistant weed species pose challenge to the existing herbicide technologies. Understanding the biology and ecology of herbicide-resistant weeds will help in developing effective management strategies.

Our Team

Dr. Liu currently works with one student, Diana Velasco, who is pursuing her master’s degree.

Phil Miklas

Research Geneticist; Adjunct Faculty | With USDA-ARS since 1992 | PhD from North Dakota State University


What I Do

Develop Dry Beans (pinto, kidney, etc.) with improved traits, including “environmentally friendly” resistance to diseases and tolerances to abiotic stresses (heat, drought, low soil fertility). Conduct studies to better understand the genes underpinning these desirable traits. Enhanced germplasm and genetic information generated by the project is shared worldwide.

What it Means for the State

Many dry bean cultivars grown in Washington and across the U.S. have Prosser bred materials in their pedigrees which has contributed to disease resistance, stress tolerance, and higher yields with less inputs.

What it Means for the World

Elucidation of resistance to bacterial, fungal and viral diseases of beans led by the Prosser program, including the generation of genetic markers that assist detection and deployment of the specific resistance genes, is benefitting dry bean breeding programs across the globe. Our genetic markers are used to incorporate genes for resistance to: golden yellow mosaic virus in Central America, white mold in Brazil, common bacterial blight in Eastern and Southern Africa, common mosaic virus in the Middle East and Europe, and curly top virus which is critical for the snap bean companies that produce seed in Washington state, Idaho, and Oregon.  The continuous program in Prosser for, what is now going on 65 years, has enabled it to become a ‘game changer’ of global prominence in contributing to the sustainability of the most important edible legume crop in the world.

Picture of Devin Rippner.

Research Scientist, Adjunct Faculty, Crop and Soil Sciences | USDA-ARS Horticultural Crops Research Unit | With USDA since 2020 | PhD from University of California, Davis


What I Do

As a viticultural soil scientist I study the relationships between soils and grape production. My work spans from atomic to field scale and the computational tools I have developed are implemented on some of the world’s most powerful computers. I work with my collaborators at WSU, USDA, and multiple National Laboratories to help growers to identify and address the soil health challenges that they face. The results of my research are shared with growers, industry professionals, and the greater scientific community. 

What it Means for the State

Washington state is the second largest producer of wine in the United States. My work focuses on helping Washington growers improve their soil health for long term sustainability. This is especially important for crops like grapes which can be productive for decades.

What it Means for the World

Irrigated agriculture on arid lands produces much of the world’s most valuable horticultural crops. Practices developed in Eastern Washington to study and improve soil health can be applied globally to improve agricultural sustainability.

Department of Entomology

David James

Associate Professor, Entomology| With WSU since 1999 | PhD from Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia

What I Do

As a Research Entomologist and Extension Specialist, I conduct research on the biology of insect and mite pests to determine and understand potential weaknesses that may be exploited in their management. I then develop Integrated Pest Management programs from this information that utilizes multiple strategies, including biological control, chemical ecology, habitat restoration, pesticides and cultural practices. I then extend newly developed management programs to growers and industry personnel through multiple extension strategies. I also research the biology and ecology of important and threatened pollinators including the Monarch butterfly with the aim of developing conservation programs that can be incorporated within agriculture.

What it Means for the State

Over 20 years I have developed and extended new pest management programs for insects and mites in viticulture and hops that have reduced pesticide inputs, preserved beneficial insect populations and minimized environmental contamination. The new programs are more effective, sustainable and friendly to people and the environment. I have researched the life histories of all of the Pacific Northwest’s butterflies and co-authored an acclaimed book on the subject. Our knowledge of our endemic butterflies including the Monarch has been greatly improved by my research and has identified effective and sustainable conservation measures for these threatened insects. I established the ground-breaking collaboration between Washington State Penitentiary at Walla Walla which has seen inmates rear, tag and release more than 7,000 Monarch butterflies since 2012. This collaboration has improved our understanding of Monarch migration in the PNW as well as improved the mental health of inmates.

What it Means for the World

Our research has often led the way in worldwide research on biological control of pest insects and mites. Research conducted at IAREC pioneered the use of plant volatiles in attracting beneficial insects to crops and the use of native plants to improve sustainability of conservation biological control. Information on the incredible migration of the iconic Monarch butterfly, loved throughout the world, was obtained from the citizen scientist-based tagging program based at WSU-Prosser.

Our Team

Staff that work with Dr. James: Allyson Leonhard (Agricultural Research Technologist 1).

A video of Dr. James speaking at TEDxYakimaSalon on how to re-wild agriculture, and why it is worth our while.
Book cover for "The Lives of Butterflies."
Photo from Princeton University Press.

Dr. James published his book, ‘The Lives of Butterflies’ on January 9th, 2024.

You can purchase the book through Princeton University Press here: The Lives of Butterflies | Princeton University Press.

To read the article WSU Insider published about the book, click here: New butterfly book culmination of author’s lifelong work | WSU Insider | Washington State University.

Doug Walsh

Professor, Entomology | With WSU since 1998 | PhD from University of California – Davis

What I Do

My key research objectives encompass aspects of commodity protection technologies, with a research and extension focus on providing guidance to agricultural producers, environmental groups, state and federal agencies, and university faculty, staff and students on sustainable crop and pollinator protection via integrated pest management.

What it Means for the State

My research and Extension efforts over the past 25 years are documented to have reduced organophosphate, organochlorine, and carbamate use by over 100,000 pounds (45,360 kg) per year in the Pacific Northwest.

Wine Grapes – Led the team that developed and implemented a barrier spray technology, resulting in an annual 25,000 lb (11,340 kg) reduction in organophosphate use in wine and juice grape vineyards.

Hybrid Poplars – I co-led the team that developed a pheromone confusion strategy for Western poplar clearwing moth, resulting in an annual 54,000 lb (24,500 kg) reduction in organophosphate use and 5,400 lb (2,450 kg) reduction in organochlorine use.

Carrots – Led a team that demonstrated the effectiveness of seed treatments with targeted reduced-risk insecticides that eliminated the use of 7,000 lbs (3,175 kg) per year of diazinon for seed corn maggot control.

What it Means for the World

Hops are the key flavor ingredient in beer. Washington wine grapes are used to make fine wines. Mint is a key flavor component in toothpaste and other oral hygiene and confection products. Alfalfa is the primary dietary ration in lactating cows. Milk, cheese, and ice cream are important end products from alfalfa. Hybrid poplar fiber is a major component of toilet paper. I am the scientist whose research benefits many people every day.

Our Team

There is currently one graduate student working with Dr. Walsh and he is Stephen Onayemi. Stephen is pursuing a PhD.

Staff that work with Dr. Walsh: Marke Lavine, Sally O’Neal, Angela Mireles, Wilson Peng, Peter Forrence, Dniel Groenendale, Robert Brenner, and Craig Lawrence.

A career battling pests leads to national honor for scientist

For five years, Doug Walsh helped decide which scientists joined the ranks of the prestigious Fellows of the Entomological Society of America (ESA). Now, the Washington State University professor has officially been named among those he once helped select.

Extension, Agriculture and Natural Resources Program Unit

Bernardita Sallato

Regional Tree Fruit Extension Specialist | At WSU since 2016 | MS from Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile, Santiago

What I Do

I work for the tree fruit industry and agricultural communities to help improve tree fruit efficiency and sustainability. I provide leadership in applied research, extension and outreach for the PNW tree fruit industry.

My main program areas for applied research are:

  1. Soils and plant nutrition,
  2. Tree fruit stress management, and
  3. General horticultural practices for tree fruit production.

What it Means for the State

My program provide supports to tree fruit growers and farm workers in fundamental areas of production, including best practices for nutrient management, plant stress mitigation practices and general horticultural practices, through apply research and extensive education and outreach activities. My goal is to provide effective and sustainable solutions to maximize the productive potential of every orchard in eastern Washington.

What it Means for the World

Washington state tree fruit production has been a reference to apple and sweet cherry production to the world. We host more than 10 international visits every year to exchange knowledge, innovations and new technology in commercial conditions. Washington similarities with important international tree fruit production areas allows our work to be applicable and impa

School of Food Science

Photo of Dr. Claire Murphy.

Assistant Professor and Extension Specialist, Produce Safety | With WSU since 2023 | PhD from Virginia Tech

What I Do

My position focuses on reducing foodborne pathogen (Listeria, E. coli, and Salmonella) contamination throughout the produce supply chain through integrated research and extension activities. My extension program aims to equip stakeholders with the resources they need to make science-based decisions aimed at mitigating food safety risks through development of educational content to address emerging produce safety concerns while delivering courses required for regulatory compliance. My research program focuses on understanding the ecology and epidemiology of foodborne pathogens in produce production environments, investigating technologies for system-wide reductions in risk, and developing predictive models in an evolving digital agricultural space. Through both field (e.g., sampling commercial packinghouses or harvesters) and laboratory (e.g., benchtop, growth chamber) experiments, my research and extension activities aim to complement each other in order to directly addressing stakeholder needs.

What it Means for the State

An outbreak of foodborne illness related to produce would not only have substantial implications on public health but also the economic viability of the industry. My research and extension program trains and educates growers, packers, and other stakeholders in the produce supply chain on topics including, but not limited to, worker health and hygiene, sanitation programs, and pre- and postharvest water usage. These activities are providing Washington stakeholders with science-based information and practical solutions to prevent outbreak and recalls related to foodborne illnesses.

What it Means for the World

Washington State is one of the largest produce growing regions, providing fruits and vegetables to consumers worldwide. Thus, ensuring the safety of Washington produce goes beyond ensuring safe and quality products within the state. Additionally, since grower, packers, and producers outside of Washington State are also concerned about reducing the risk of foodborne pathogen contamination of their produce, the work that we conduct related to enhancing the food safety is applicable to the industry as a whole.

Department of Horticulture

Francisco “Paco” Gonzalez

Research Horticulturalist, Adjust Faculty | With USDA-ARS since 2022 | PhD from Washington State University


What I Do

As a research horticulturist, I study the impact of abiotic stress on hop physiological and agronomical responses and develop technologies and cultural management practices to help mitigate abiotic stress. My research extends from trials developing fertilizer rate recommendations to evaluating plant physiological responses following a prescribed stimulus, such as the rate of photosynthesis and respiration. Substantial efforts in my program are spent evaluating existing and emerging technologies that can assist the hop industry in becoming more sustainable.

What it Means for the State

Washington State is the largest producer of hops in the world, with a production value of 450 million dollars in 2021. My work provides U.S. hop growers with agronomy recommendations, such as cultivar-specific fertilizer rates, soil moisture sensing technology, and installation best practices. As well as cultural management practices to mitigate stress from undesirable temperature, soil moisture, and solar radiation conditions. This work is essential to the hop industry as summers become warmer and irrigation water less abundant.

What it Means for the World

The global beer market is expected to reach over half a trillion dollars by 2026. The work conducted in my program will help with sustainability efforts to ensure that millions of beer enthusiasts can enjoy their favorite beer in the future. Further, much of my work will be transferable to other crops, globally improving the sustainability of other agricultural commodities.

Pictures of Dr. Gonzalez doing fieldwork.
Pictures of Dr. Gonzalez doing fieldwork.

Max Feldman

Research Geneticist; Adjunct Faculty | At Prosser since 2018 | PhD from Washington State University


What I Do

Our job in the USDA/ARS Potato Genetics Lab is to develop new, more profitable and sustainable potato varieties. A majority of this work is focused on introgression of disease resistance alleles from wild or primitive germplasm and development of specialty potato clones. Our lab collaborates extensively with colleagues at Oregon State University, University of Idaho, Washington State University as part of the Tri-State Potato Breeding Program, the largest public potato breeding program in the United States. We are enthusiastic public servants who believe science can be used to make our world a better place.

What it Means for the State

USDA/ARS has stationed a Research Scientist focused on potato production at WSU-IAREC for over 50 years. Our focus reflects the needs of our russet farming stakeholders located in the Columbia Basin and specialty potato growers located in the coastal counties in northwest Washington state. During this history, our program has discovered genetic sources of resistance to many of the most important insect, nematode, fungal, bacterial, and viral pathogens that damage potato crops. These discoveries have led to the release of new russet clones that are immune to Tobacco rattle virus and Columbia root knot nematode infection and a countless number of striking specialty potato cultivars with attractive appearance, flavor, nutritional, and culinary characteristics. Varieties developed in our program provide an important component of integrated pest management strategies that help mitigate the risk growers face every year from pathogens and provide potato germplasm tailored to the demand of new and emerging markets.

What it Means for the World

The Columbia Basin region in central Washington state is the highest yielding potato growing region per acre in the world. Our role is to sustainably maintain this distinction through the development and release of marketable potato clones that can be grown with less chemical input and fiscally attractive management strategies. The outcomes of our research make a global impact through adoption and exchange of breeding material, molecular markers, and genomic data with collaborators and stakeholders located across the globe.

Per McCord

Associate Professor, Horticulture, Department of Horticulture | With WSU since 2018 | PhD from North Carolina State University

What I Do

My program is focused on developing superior stone fruit cultivars (primarily sweet cherries) for Pacific Northwest growers.  In addition, I am conducting research on characterizing and understanding the genetics important and novel traits, and developing techniques to make the breeding process more efficient.

What it Means for the State

Washington state is the country’s largest grower of sweet cherries.  The development of new cherry cultivars with increased yield, fruit quality, and disease resistance will increase the sustainability and profitability of this important aspect of Washington’s agricultural economy.

What it Means for the World

Cherries are a premium fruit and are in demand all over the world.  Washington exports a significant percentage of its cherry crop.  Superior cherry varieties should result in broader availability of high-quality fruit to consumers across the globe.

Matthew Whiting

Professor, Extension Specialist, Department of Horticulture | With WSU since 2002 | PhD from Washington State University

What I Do

I lead an applied, whole-tree physiology research, extension, and teaching program that addresses key issues that limit growers’ ability to efficiently, consistently, and sustainably produce superlative fruit. Much of my work focuses on sweet cherry though my team has also worked on apple, peach, apricot, and pear. My team takes a pragmatic and collaborative approach to solve industry challenges central to orchard production efficiency (e.g., development of planar architectures, mechanization of operations), yield security (e.g., pollination biology, precision pollination systems), and fruit quality.  My extension program has focused on the transition to high efficiency orchard systems using a model of grower collaboration throughout the state, and around the world. In addition, I teach Fruit Crops Management and Research Orientation and Presentation to students around the state.

What it Means for the State

When I started at WSU, the state’s cherry industry was relatively unchanged in decades, based on aged production systems, and facing an increasingly competitive global market. From the outset, my team’s vision was improved production efficiency while growing the highest quality fruit.  Over the years we maintained our focus on this goal from work on orchard systems and light interception, crop load management, fruit set, pollination biology, variability in fruit quality, and mechanization of key operations including pruning, harvest, and, most recently, pollination.  Collectively, this work has enabled the successful transition to high efficiency orchards and led to the development of an entirely new architecture for tree fruit – the UFO (upright fruiting offshoots) system – a system developed iteratively in collaboration with industry. Today, Washington is world-renowned for innovation in fruit production and our cherries are prized for their quality. The work from my team has yielded a roadmap for orchards of the future and provided pragmatic tools and knowledge for achieving consistent and efficient production.

What it Means for the World

Tree fruit, and sweet cherries in particular, are economically significant crops grown in temperate zones worldwide.  Discoveries and production innovations from my team have been sought-after, and applied, around the world.  In the past 3 years I have presented research and led orchard tours in Australia, Canada, Chile, China, Germany, Greece, Japan, South Korea, Spain, and Turkey.  My team’s work has solidified WSU’s position at the forefront of applied tree fruit research globally, led to new international collaborations, and new discoveries and adaptations.  Former team members have moved on to lead research and teaching programs of their own around the world, expanding the borders of our work and the IAREC family.

Our Team

There are currently four graduate students working with Dr. Whiting. They are Juan Munguia, Sarah Gruntmeir, Haydn Lenz, and Alfredo Reyes. All four are pursuing master’s degrees.

Department of Plant Pathology

Gary Grove

Professor, Plant Pathology | With WSU since 1986 | PhD from Ohio State University

WSU Cougar Head Logo.

What I Do

I accepted a tree fruit pathology position at the Washington State Tree Fruit Research and Extension Center in Wenatchee, WA, in 1986 where I had responsibility for aerial diseases of pome and stone fruits.  I added wine grapes to my responsibilities in 1997 and in 2000 and then transferred to IAREC.   My program is designed to provide scholarly benefits to the science of plant pathology and practical benefits to Washington’s growers and the state economy. My research focuses on the epidemiology and management of powdery mildew diseases of pome and stone fruits, specifically how meteorological variables influence disease epidemiology and the adaptation of new technologies for disease management. My program has contributed significantly to the understanding of the basic epidemiology of powdery mildews in perennial specialty crops and developed multiple innovative disease management approaches. We recently identified widespread resistance of Podosphaera cerasi (the incitant of powdery mildew of cherries) to Group 3 and Group 11 fungicides and developed mitigation strategies for this unfortunate development.  A projecting commencing in 2023 is a new project on branch dieback of cherries.

I served as Director of WSU’s Agricultural Weather Network (AgWeatherNet or AWN) 2006-2010 and again 2016-2018.  I served as Director of IAREC 2013-2018.  I recently became involved in classroom instruction and find it to be perhaps the most rewarding endeavor of my professional career.

What it Means for the State

The Washington tree fruit industry ranks first in the nation for production of apples, pears and sweet cherries.  In 2014, estimated production volume was approximately 140 million boxes of apples, 12 million boxes of pears and 18 million boxes of sweet cherries. The total farm-gate value of the state’s three major tree-fruit commodities often exceeds $2 billion annually and the tree fruit industry contributes over $7 billion to the state’s economy.  Washington apples and cherries are susceptible to significant losses due to powdery mildews and canker fungi.  My program has made significant contributions to industry success by ensuring affordable disease management programs for growers and thus healthy, disease-free fruit for consumers.

What it Means for the World

My program has made significant contributions to the worldwide understanding of the epidemiology and management of powdery mildews.  About one-third of Washington’s tree fruit crop is exported.  Through the development of innovative disease management approaches, my program also helps to ensure the availability of nutritious, disease-free tree fruit to multiple export markets.

Dr. Scott Harper

Associate Professor, Plant Pathology, Clean Plant Center NW Director | At WSU since 2017 | PhD from University of Auckland

WSU Cougar Head Logo.

What I Do

Washington State possesses the largest apple, cherry, and hop industries in the U.S., and my research program is focused on understanding virus and virus-like diseases that harm these crops. My lab performs basic and applied research to study:

  • The biology of new and emerging pathogens
  • Pathogen epidemiology
  • Pathogen detection and management

In all cases we aim to understand which pathogens cause disease, how they do so, and what steps can be taken to manage them. Working with WSU extension staff I translate this research into practical solutions for sustainable crop production.

What it Means for the State

Ensuring sustainable production of specialty crops is essential to the Washington state economy, and my research program is aimed at helping producers understand and manage pathogens that threaten their crops.

For example, my program has taken the lead in alerting and educating producers and growers about the parallel outbreak of Little Cherry Disease and X-Disease, which have caused an estimated $120 million in lost sweet cherry production in Washington state in the last five years. Outputs from the collaborative research we perform on topics as diverse as disease symptoms and effects, pathogen spread, and new pathogen host species, are rapidly translated into short-term management options to slow and prevent spread, while developing long-term solutions to save this multi-billion-dollar industry from these diseases.

What it Means for the World

Cherries, apples, and hops are global crops, produced in all over the world, and many of the problems we face here in Washington state are faced by producers everywhere. The solutions we produce to identify, understand, and manage systemic diseases will have widespread and long-lasting impacts on intensive, sustainable agricultural production all around the globe.

Navarre Roy

Research Geneticist; Adjunct Faculty, Plant Pathology and Horticulture & Landscape Architecture| With USDA-ARS since 2001 | PhD Oregon State University


What I Do

Our work focuses on finding ways to develop superior new potato cultivars that have better disease resistance, quality and even higher amounts of phytonutrients. We use a mix of disciplines to pursue these objectives including physiological, molecular and biochemical tools. Questions we might address include “how can we make potatoes that produce more of a certain vitamin or have increased amounts of compounds known to promote human health?” Or “what would make a potato resistant to a certain disease or pest?” We look at factors that influence potato quality, such as greening. Sometimes we conduct fundamental research trying to understand the biological basis of a trait, which is often completely unknown and the lack of such knowledge makes it more difficult to breed for new cultivars with the improved trait. So we might attempt to identify regulatory mechanisms that control the trait, such as genes, environment and transcription factors. Other times our research is more applied, for example measuring the amount of phytonutrients in new breeding lines or participating in taste tests of new lines. We participate in the largest potato breeding program in North America, the Tri-State program, which is a collaboration between the USDA-ARS, Washington State University, University of Idaho and Oregon State University.

What it Means for the State

Some estimate that by the year 2050 crop yields will need to double to provide global food security. The Columbia Basin has the highest yields of potatoes in the world and exports over 600 million dollars of potatoes annually, including to the Pacific Rim. Because of their high yields, potatoes produce a lot of calories and phytonutrients per acre, are affordable and storable. These qualities will allow potatoes to play an important role in assuring global food security. New cultivars that require less inputs, have better disease resistance and generous amounts of phytonutrients will increase sustainability and meet consumer needs.

What it Means for the World

Potatoes are grown in 170,000 acres in Washington, create 35,000 jobs and add 7.4 billion to the state economy.  Superior new cultivars that address local and emerging issues protects the competitiveness of the state’s potato industry, while also addressing evolving consumer preferences for different types of potatoes with more novelty, sustainability, visual appeal or an even higher nutritional value.

Lyndon Porter

Research Plant Pathologist; Adjunct Faculty | With USDA-ARS since 2005 | PhD from Washington State University


What I Do

As a Research Plant Pathologist, I am responsible for conducting integrated pest management research focused on solving real-world grower issues associated with pests on legume crops with an emphasis on diseases impacting peas, chickpea, lentil and bean. I share this research with growers, people involved in the legume industry and other scientists through publications, field days, grower and scientific meetings and workshops. I am also instrumental in educating fieldsmen and growers on how to diagnose their own disease issues in their fields.

What it Means for the State

My research has helped to identify chemical management practices that have helped Washington growers to manage Pythium seed rot and Aphanomyces root rot of pea. My research has also helped to identify resistant pea cultivars to Fusarium root rot, Fusarium wilt, Pea enation mosaic virus and Bean leafroll virus, all pathogens that can cause serious problems for dry and fresh pea production in the state of Washington. I have educated growers in Washington, Oregon and Idaho on disease diagnosis and integrated pest management approaches to manage legume diseases commonly found across these states.

What it Means for the World

My research has focused on identifying pea lines with resistant genes associated with Aphanomyces root rot, white mold, Fusarium root rot, Pea enation mosaic virus, and Pea seedborne mosaic virus that are being used by breeders worldwide to develop resistant pea cultivars to these diseases in their respective countries. Pea lines have been sent to India, New Zealand and France. Genes being identified are being used in what is called marker-assisted breeding, where a breeder can rapidly determine in his collection of lines which lines are resistant to a specific pathogen and only use those lines in their selection of lines to develop for growers. This process can accelerate the delivery of new crop plants with improved disease resistance to growers. Providing crop plants with genetic resistance to certain pathogens can reduce grower risks of crop failure and reduce pesticide applications.

Our Team

Joanne Holden, Biological Science Technician

Kylie Swisher

Research Plant Pathologist; Adjunct Faculty | With USDA-ARS since 2016 | PhD from University of Arizona


What I Do

As research plant pathologist with the USDA-ARS, my focus is on new and emerging diseases of potato. In this role, I perform diagnostic analyses to identify pathogens associated with disease symptoms and also focus my research on understanding the epidemiology of specific pathogens that are affecting potato crops in the Northwestern United States, as well as around the world. To improve the general knowledge that we have on specific pathogens, I combine different approaches such as molecular laboratory techniques and analyses, greenhouse-controlled experiments and grafting practices, as well as field research. Results obtained from these experimental approaches are disseminated through industry magazines or extension publications, and peer-reviewed research manuscripts.

What it Means for the State

Over the past three years with the USDA, my research has focused on pathogens of economic importance to potato growers in Washington State, ranging from insect vectored diseases to soil borne pathogens. I have conducted field studies to assess haplotype differences of a specific pathogen in tuber disease severity and incidence, have worked to determine if a pathogen was causing purpling leaves, stem lesions, and leaf deformity in grower fields across the Columbia Basin, and am currently working to assess transmission of a pathogen through infected and/or symptomatic tuber seed pieces. I try to work with researchers and extension scientists with backgrounds in entomology, pathology and genetics/breeding to take a comprehensive approach to studying diseases of potato, thereby enabling us to gain knowledge that will be of greatest benefit to the growers throughout our state. To share the findings of my studies, I have published in grower-focused magazines and extension publications as well as presented at local meetings here in Washington State.

What it Means for the World

More than 50% of the United States commercial potatoes are grown in the Northwest, and products from these fields go to different markets both domestically and internationally. Research that improves our understanding of specific pathogens can lead to improved disease management practices, increasing tuber yield and quality at harvest, and thus, enabling growers to meet the market demands across the country and around the globe.

Youfu “Frank” Zhao

Professor, Plant Pathology, Endowed Chair in Bacterial Diseases of Tree Fruits | With WSU since 2022 | PhD from Oklahoma State University

WSU Cougar Head Logo.

What I Do

As a phytobacteriologist, my goal is to understand how plant bacterial pathogens, such as fire blight pathogen, cause disease on tree fruits, how fruit trees respond to pathogen infection, what should we do to prevent this from happening, and what should growers do to mitigate the problem. I conduct both basic and applied research to understand the bacterium itself and its interaction with plants, to translate our findings into potential mitigation measures, and to recommend science-based practical ways to combat the problem.  I also provide general training to students, growers, and the general public through publications, talks, field days and workshops.

What it Means for the State

Fire blight pathogen is the first bacterium to be known to cause plant disease about 150 years ago.  A favorable weather condition in a year like 2017 could lead to disease outbreak in Washington State, which results in millions of dollars in losses and thousands of jobs in jeopardy. As a member of the tree fruit research and extension team in the state, our research to evaluate and improve the disease management tools for preventing this from happening is vital to the state. By translating the knowledge of bacterial pathogen-plant interaction into effective disease management measures could potentially reduce crop losses and increase crop yields and profitability, thus a much healthy economy of the state.

What it Means for the World

Fire blight has been spread to more than 50 countries and remains a major threat to the pome fruit tree industry nationally and globally. Our basic and applied research address significant challenges facing the tree fruit industry as a whole and specific local issues fronting tree fruit production in Washington by making ground-breaking discoveries, increasing the knowledge base for the discipline and the scientific community, and developing improved disease management strategies. Our collaborative research across the US and around the world strengthens our efforts in developing delivered results with disease management solutions and products, which are applicable to apple and pear growing regions across the globe.

Our Team

Dr. Zhao currently has two postdoctoral researchers working with him, Dr. Ricardo Delgado Santander and Dr. Amit Kesharwani.

There are currently three graduate students working with Dr. Zhao. They are Sheersa Manna, Harpreet Kaur, and Sudeep Poudel. All three students are pursuing their PhDs.

Tree Fruit Certification, WSDA

Segun Akinbade

Natural Resource Scientist; WSDA Fruit Tree Certification Manager | With WSDA since 2012 | MS from Washington State University

WSDA logo

What I Do

I provide inspection and testing services to Washington State fruit tree nursery growers to certify that nearly 90,000 registered trees are virus tested and free from diseases with great economic impact. I also ensure that virus-tested nursery trees obtained from Clean Plant Center Northwest are established in a designated mother block free of nematodes capable of transmitting fruit tree viruses. Additionally, I am responsible for accessing emerging disease threats to our state’s multibillion-dollar apple, pear and cherry industries. Part of my job is also to supervise the WSDA nematology laboratory. The nematology laboratory was established to support the issuance of phytosanitary certificates which helps in facilitating the export of trees out of Washington. I also advise and interact with nursery growers and other stakeholders on the management of pest and diseases free orchards.

What it Means for the State

Our efforts ensure the distribution of clean plants within and outside the State of Washington. We do this by constantly testing fruit trees and alternative hosts around the registered trees. We work with nurseries within our program and other stakeholders on the timely removal of infected trees. Our efforts increase the confidence of growers in supplying virus-tested, certified planting stock in Washington State orchards. Healthy and disease-free planting stocks from our program is recognized as one of the cornerstones of Washington State’s $2 billion apple, pear, and cherry fruit production system.

What it Means for the World

Washington State has a well-established certification program which gives her an edge over several other States in competition for the international market. Trees from our program are not just sold within the state but are distributed to other states and into international markets. There are several restrictions and requirements to ship agricultural products to different parts of the world. One of our jobs is to work with Washington growers to meet up with these requirements. We do this by providing several timely services such as testing and inspections for pests and diseases.

Our Team

Eunice Beaver-Kanuya – Molecular Lab Supervisor; Kristen Hamel – Nematologist; Noel Munoz- Plant Technician; Taurino Hurtado-Agricultural Aide

A video about the basic elements of WSDA Fruit Tree Certification.

Department of Viticulture & Enology

Markus Keller

Professor, Viticulture & Enology| At Prosser since 2001 | PhD from Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zürich, Switzerland

WSU Cougar Head Logo.

My Team

Dr. Keller currently has two postdoctoral researchers working with him, Dr. Nataliya Shcherbatyuk and Dr. Charles Obiero.

Staff that work with Dr. Keller: Zilia Khaliullina (Research Assistant) and Alan Kawakami (Ag. Res. Tech. II).

What I Do

My primary role as a research scientist working with grapes is to generate knowledge and develop applications for the benefit of grape growers and society at large. The focus of my research program is on developmental and environmental factors and management practices as they influence crop physiology, productivity, and product quality of wine and juice grapes. My program addresses questions of water supply, including irrigation, as well as vineyard nutrition and mechanization throughout the summer months and cold injury during the winter months. I also teach at both the undergraduate and graduate level, as well as in online certificate programs.

What it Means for the State

My team’s work on vineyard irrigation and plant water use has led to savings of up to 30% in irrigation water while maintaining the productivity of juice grapes and improving the quality of wine grapes. One outcome of this work is the enhanced ability of growers to apply irrigation water strategically at key periods during the growing season while conserving water at other times. This is especially important as Washington’s wine industry has been expanding greatly over the last decades. Our research on the mechanization of juice grape production has led to increased crop yields and significantly reduced costs to growers. The work on grapevine cold injury has resulted in a simulation model that predicts damaging cold events throughout the winter for many grape varieties, which helps growers deploy wind machines only when and where they are needed.

What it Means for the World

Because most of Washington’s grapes are produced in the arid eastern part of the state, our work on water use and irrigation has far-reaching implications for the production of grapes and other horticultural crops in many other dry regions of the world, especially as the ongoing climatic change and population growth are associated with declining water availability in many growing regions. Our work on the changing resistance of grape varieties to cold injury throughout the winter serves as a model for grapes and other crops in many regions with cold winters. Much of this work is used by growers as a basis for decision-aid tools that help them assess and mitigate environmental risks associated with grape or tree fruit production. Financial benefits are also flowing to many rural communities, and consumers enjoy a more reliable supply of healthy grapes and their products.

Michelle Moyer

Professor, Viticulture & Enology | With WSU since 2011 | PhD from Cornell

WSU Cougar Head Logo.

What I Do

As an extension specialist, my job is to make sure unbiased, science-based information reaches grape growers. I do this through learning what is done in other areas and figuring out if those practices can also be used in Washington. I also conduct original research to provide answers to many questions related to grape production, and grape disease and pest management. In addition, I provide general training and education about grapes and grape production through regular newsletters, webinars, workshops and online certificate programs.

What it Means for the State

My research and extension programs have trained future grape industry members in basic grape production, have provided improved understanding of how to best control grapevine pests and diseases, and how to improve the long-term sustainability and production of Washington’s wine and juice grape vineyards. My program has completed applied research projects on best timing for different disease management programs (grape powdery mildew, trunk diseases, crown gall), have assisted in evaluating new sprayer technologies for pest and disease control, have developed nematode lifecycle models to better deploy nematode management practices in the vineyard, monitored phylloxera outbreaks, and have evaluated the use of rootstocks for nematode management in vineyard replanting scenarios. These activities are providing Washington state grape growers with the information they need to make long-term vineyard production decisions.

What is Means for the World

Washington state is a fairly new player to the world of grape production. But our new status means we get the advantage of learning from others’ mistakes and making innovative improvements on existing practices and technologies. We are breaking ground in understanding key grapevine diseases such as powdery mildew and crown gall, as well as providing much-needed research on nematode management for northern-climate vineyards. This work is readily applicable for grape growing regions across the globe, and are helping people make more informed, sustainable, pest management decisions.

Our Team

There are currently three graduate students working with Dr. Moyer. They are Alexa McDaniel (PhD Student — will be done Oct 2023), Bernadette Gagnier (PhD Student, will be done spring 2024), Jesse Stevens (MSc student, won’t be starting until spring 2024). All are students in Horticulture.

Staff that work with Dr. Moyer: Maria Mireles.

Naidu Rayapati

Director, WSU Prosser IAREC; Professor, Plant Pathology | With WSU since 2004 | PhD from Sri Venkateswara University, India

WSU Cougar Head Logo.

What I Do

I conduct research to generate fundamental and practical knowledge on virus diseases affecting vineyard health and profitability. I collaborate with growers, nurseries and regulatory agencies to strengthen the grapevine planting material supply chain and implement best practices for managing virus diseases in vineyards. I share research-based knowledge with growers, vineyard employees and other stakeholders via extension and outreach for increased awareness of virus diseases and their impacts in vineyards.

I also conduct applied research for mitigating negative impacts of virus diseases in smallholder farms and organize human and institutional capacity building activities in developing countries. I teach a highly popular course, “Diseases of Fruit Crops,” to provide undergraduate students a comprehensive understanding of diseases and their management in perennial specialty fruit crops. My role also includes training graduate students and post-doctoral associates in plant virology, as well as collaboration with local educational institutions to increase opportunities in higher education and career growth for first-generation undergraduate students from impoverished communities in Yakima Valley.

What it Means for the State

Virus diseases are a significant threat to the sustainability of Washington’s grape and wine industry, which contributes an estimated $6 billion dollars to the state economy. My research empowers growers with increased awareness of virus diseases and helps them deploy smarter tactics to control these diseases in vineyards that produce high quality premium grapes. A new generation of high caliber scientists and career professionals from my program are joining the workforce to embolden the grape and wine industry. Overall, my program is contributing to steady growth of Washington’s wine grape industry, the fourth largest agricultural commodity in the state.

What it Means for the World

My research on virus diseases helps the wine industry enhance its competitiveness in an inter-connected global economy. Research-based knowledge generated from my program is advancing the science of grape virology, benefiting the global scientific community and grape industry, and drawing nationwide and international recognition to the state and WSU. My research is benefiting smallholder farmers in developing countries with practical solutions to reduce crop losses due to virus diseases and contributing to the advancement of global food security initiatives to meet the challenges posed by rapidly accelerating global population growth.

Our Team

Dr. Rayapati currently has three postdoctoral researchers working with him, Dr. Sulley Ben-Mahmoud, Dr. Poonam Chaudhary, and Dr. Sridhar Jarugula.